Weezer "My Best Friend"

Jun 02, 2005 23:08

Band/Song: Weezer "My Best Friend"
Character/Ship: Veronica & Wallace
Episodes: All of Season 1
Links/Size: right-click, save as (35 mb, wmv) || right-click, save as (11 mb, wmv)
Notes: Because we can never have too many BFF videos. ;-) Please comment when you download (or, you know, after you watch it) so I can keep track of the bandwidth. Thanks! Feedback makes me soooo happy. Also, this satisfies the monthly theme, even though I started making it about two weeks ago. It's been sitting here calling out to me to be finished. I succumbed tonight. Just a lot of fun snapshots into the dynamic of Veronica and Wallace's friendship. Oh, and I ended it the way I ended it for a reason. I like the way they broached the topic of Veronica and Wallace 1) being best friends and 2) Veronica always 'using' Wallace before the season was over. I felt like Wallace wasn't just the sidekick there to do Veronica favors by the finale. Hope you like it!

XANGA girl - STOP HOTLINKING to my video for your background music!

I defy you to watch this video and not get a loopy grin on your face. Hee. ;-)

vm: roniabirk, ch: veronica/wallace, !!: theme, band: weezer

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