MOD POST: June Monthly Theme!

Jun 01, 2006 09:42

Okay, time for a new theme! If you started a video for the previous theme and don't want to lose all that work, feel free to post that video too!

For June, I have ashiva to thank for this idea. The end of season renewal time was especially stressful this time around. Not only was it a question of will VM be back because it is good and we want it back, but will it be back because of a network merger! *Phew!* We survived! So, with that in mind, this month's theme is Veronica Mars Season 3 Credits! High school is done. We are venturing into a whole new ballgame. (Thank you, Keith, now out of my head.) What do you think the Season 3 credits should look like? As always, please remember to post the Band and Song Name in your subject lines. That makes it so much easier when putting posts in the memories and creating the summaries. Thanks!


++ The video MUST follow an opening credits style
++ Ideas? Does "We Used to Be Friends" still work as a theme song? What cast members will join the credits? What cast members won't be there?
++ Maybe you use a theme from another show or movie? Maybe you can make an AU opening credits? Just have fun!
++ Use clips from Season 1 or Season 2; please WARN if you use Season 2 episodes for those who aren't seeing it yet; use a very vague summary in your post

If you have questions, please ask.

Feedback? Too generic, too specific, are you up to the challenge? :)

modpost: monthly theme

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