The Hamster Dance (Duncan)

Jan 08, 2006 05:56

Band/Song: The Hamster Dance (I don't know the copy says 'Hampton the Hamster, but somehow, I don't believe that... ;))
Character/Ship: Duncan
Episodes: Through 2x09, My Mother, the Fiend
Links/Size: Large: 37.9 MB--at MU // YSI
Small: 14 MB--at MU // YSI

Notes: I can't believe I made a video about Duncan. just happened! I made this before it was up, but apparently, this fits the monthly theme (even though it's not exactly...errr...a positive video). For anyone who knows the song, you know what I mean. It just SCREAMED DUNCAN to me. So, yeah. Just a simple little video of Duncan....being Duncan. Hee.

To make this officially a theme entry, I'm supposed to rec. my favorite Duncan video. I don't know that I have a FAVORITE Duncan solo video, because the two of us have issues, but I do think that ladydisdain225's Duncan/Logan homage to their women, Agony is simply amazing. And one of the most hysterical things EVER. Definitely my pick for favorite Duncan use :).

Also, I know there were some people who had some trouble with MU and downloading my videos. Thanks to the fantastic anoel, the older ones now all have permanent links. You can find them here. I will still add some YSI links when I can (as promised), but I hope this helps! :)

vm: sarah_p, !!: theme, band: other, ch: duncan

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