Request Tracker

Jan 20, 2037 12:53

I'm so excited about all the cool requests people made for camelot_love's Haiti Thing-A-Thon! These are going to be so much fun to draw! Because I'm organizationally OCD, I'm making this tracking post to keep people apprised of the status of the stuff they've requested, and when I'm expecting to complete it ( Read more... )

tv | merlin (bbc)

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Re: Time Traveler's Wife companion piece crayford June 13 2010, 22:09:59 UTC
Ever see Hercules and Xena?

Something like this (but with King Arthur and Gwen)


Re: Time Traveler's Wife companion piece neptune47 June 14 2010, 12:30:47 UTC
Ohhhh! Exciting! Yup, I can do something with this. Do you want older Arthur/younger Gwen, older Gwen/Younger Arthur, or something entirely different?


Re: Time Traveler's Wife companion piece crayford June 14 2010, 12:35:11 UTC
Older Arthur/Younger Gwen Please.

When your ready.

I'm excited now.



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