searching for the ring...lalala.....USAGI......

Jul 20, 2005 18:16


Guess I'm going to leave this post's been so long since I have left something public....

I am going to share some good news and bad...

Good news is that my book is almost finish and I am finding some nice publishing company to support me and help me publish this book without me paying for the printing fee...
I am still working on the book details and story line to make some changes, although not everything is totally right as far as I know because I have missed out some details, thats right it's the toys that are missing, I'm trying my damn best to get full details on the toys that was made from Bandai.

Bad news is that, my friend couldn't find her ring that was supposed to be in her ice cream, which was kind of spooky, because I told someone not to put it in my chocolate milk shake. but I was lucky enough not to chock on the damn thing...
Yes Search For the Ring...lalala....I COULDN'T HAVE KILLED YOU MORE.....
Ahem...well lets forget about that bad news and move on to some good one... ^^

Lolita Neptune/ Lolita Michiru

Yes that right, what your reading  is true, I am going to dress up like a Lolita and start acting cool to people I don't personally like, I am also working on the logo which is from it might take some time.
I personally am using the logo from Haou Airen, although some of my art works are messing up, because I have some problems with some software...which dosen't seem to matter.

I am also working on my Loltia costume right now, which I will be wearing for my photoshoot, although I feel quite special and happy about it, there is some problem is that...I couldn't seem to find a deep red color doll shoes.... >.> I think I might have to steal someones high heels, although that won't be happening...

My dress will be Dark Red, with a nice Long Dark Red Coat, which I will be wearing during winter, although for my summer version it would be white and aqua...
I am also having quite a hard time working on the design as I am too busy working on the book I am writting...oh well I might have to take some time to rest and start working on the Lolita photo shoot, which would be myself, and a damn aqua color hair piece...lalala...^^

I got this picture off Victoria website, because it seem so nice, but it might take me sometime to make, although it's would look so pretty on me ^^

lolita neptune/ lolita michiru

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