Feb 18, 2009 06:01
Even though Facebook has backed off their change in terms, I'm not sure I see how it is possible for anyone to think they automatically own rights in my original work. And even though my life is mundane much of the time, and this is really no huge attempt to create the next Great American Novel, I just want to put the Intarwebs on OFFICIAL NOTICE that in my own lame way, I am paying attention. And I won't forget.
If you are also my friend on Facebook, this is why I try not to accept too many of the gifts and hugs and tags floating around. What are we creating when we participate in this frenzy? Now they give me the darn service for free (unlike LiveJournal--and n.b. I think my relationship with LiveJournal is a lot cleaner because I pay them in currency for service rendered) so I expect to pay some price for it, but I fancy myself and my writing to have enough value that I don't wish to give everything away for the paltry sum of having them track my every move, including with whom I have relationships and what kind, of which people and/or works I admire enough to call myself a fan, and what products I use.
Eff that.
I rarely find myself moved to complain about the way companies try to make a buck off my activities on social sites. We live in a world of Monetize-This, and I can hardly complain when someone tries to make a buck off my blogging when I've conceived several ways that I could potentially make money at limited content investment myself. (Look at what most blogging-for-bucks has become, and you'll immediately see what I mean--it's the most self-referential group of blogs imaginable.) I get that there's money to be made and that there's little reason to provide social networking services if you can't find a way to at least cover your costs, and it doesn't bother me when someone tries to make a decent living either. But I don't think you have to own every damn thing I write in order to do it. I don't care if you link my public content, LiveJournal and Facebook--but I do care if you try to repost it, or do more than Fair-Use quote it.
Not that I think Facebook is gonna start hounding me at the door wanting my content--but then why the big deal about owning me?
So that's what the funny copyright notices are about. Doubt it really means much, but it's a statement of intention. Dammit.