Feb 19, 2006 12:38
hi. it has been a little while since i've written and i figured i would respond to lisabet's request for info. however...i do have to warn that there isn't really much to tell.
this last couple weeks have seriously been TERRIBLE...school wise. i think working might be taking up a little more time than i thought it would. every now and then ill have a rough week with classes, but then it will get better and i get a break from the work. not anymore. i guess they changed the rules on me. the past three weeks i have done NOTHING but sleep, class, work, homework. lather, rinse, repeat. BOO. i had a giant politics test thats worth 20% of our grade that i probably failed, i wrote the worst paper of my LIFE for philosophy on thursday, i dont understand economics....ahhhh! freaking. out. my parents are going to see my midterm grades and will NOT be happy. which is totally gay because i was doing really really well in all my classes until like...2 weeks ago. and now i have almost all B's probably. RAR. seriously, i have never stressed out about school this much in my entire life. its not a good feeling.
outside of classes ruining my life, everything else is fine. when i actually have a chance to leave my room and socialize with the world, i always have a grand time. im meeting a lot of new people at work, and most of them are really fun. its actually not a terrible job because hardly anyone answers their phone, so you really just sit around for 4 hours and talk to the people sitting next to you, play games...stuff like that. its soooo easy. and i get money...which is always a bonus. the only problem is that they refuse to give me my pay check until i show them my SS card or birth certificate, neither of which my mother can find. SO...i am still poor. but only for another week or so until the copy of my certificate of birth comes in the mail! w00t w00t.
i think i definitely want to tan over spring break. i know it will only be a week, but you can actually aquire a decent tan if you go everyday. so yeah...call me crazy, i want to tan. i also want to play with my chixxx because i miss them all A LOT!!! those of you that will be home for it...we HAVE HAVE HAVE to have a little birthday get together!!!! yay!! 19 days till my 19th birthday...and CHIXXX!!!! although, i dont think anything can top last years birthday surprise of t-shirts, TGS cake, mrs. potato head and laser tag...but we should at least try! seriously....best. birthday. ever. but...if you have any fun ideas for what i can do to celebrate 19...let me know!!! i want to plllaaayyyy with everyone!!!! and i mean that in a purely sexual way. obviously.
ok, well i think i need to take a nap...
well, i dont NEED to take a nap, but it just feels like the right thing to do at the moment...so, yeah. thats what im gonna do.
ok, well i love you all and have a good daaayyyyy!!!!
19 DAYS TILL MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!