this weekend

May 28, 2005 23:55

SO my old fat car is dead like the careers of styx because they suck. Friday was the worst day possible my car died then laleh ahd to go home but then she cam eback asicne hten my weekend has picked up. I got a new car its green with tinted window an dis techicalyl a sports car. techincally its a mercury mystique and i call it wolverine says huevos. aka matt. Then i did english which u loser shavent thought baout yet ur fucked. mm mthen i hung ouand played risk and god whooped on now i dsaw styx and played count the mullets with matt. tomorrow schedule is teach stupid matt to stupiud swim in the stiuipi dpool. learn to spell i shale goodbye from the knights of the new order of the jedi republic vice roy earl t and viceroy comrae mr. Peace
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