Моя любимая Wuala тоже становится платной.
Как и прочие сервисы, не имеющие доступа к хранимым у них данным.
Жаль, но совершенно логично.
Пора привыкать платить.
А гугл, яндекс, дропбокс остаются бесплатными, потому что могут копаться в наших данных.
https://support.wuala.com/2014/06/shifting-to-paid-only-service/ We are announcing our transition to a paid-only model and new pricing plans, starting today. In recent times, we were able to expand our user base exponentially. Our decision to switch to a new model will allow us to keep our focus on improvements and expansions to meet the increasing needs of our customers. It will also give us the possibility to introduce new services and expand our product range.
As of today, new accounts will not start with free included storage. Remaining customers will keep their free storage.