So it seems my ME/CFS isn't cured, damn! I had a medium level crash this last week, the night feedings haven't helped but I we are dealing. I'm seeing a clinical/medical herbalist who has me back on suppliments, Vit C, Magnesium and Prenatal Vits and is working out a few other extra bits and pieces for me, including starting to have an afternoon berry smoothy (with extra strangeness to be added). This is supposed to help me fight off the evening fatigue that we all tend to suffer from and help me have the energy to deal with Pip's evening needs (more attention, more food etc). So all in all things feel under control. I'm not happy, and crashing to the useless extent that I was for a few days really sucks and gets the depression kicking in, but today is sunny and I'm feeling a tad better (I've been for two walks today) so all positive again.
On the positive note, we have finished building the sectional warp beam for my floor loom so all I have to do now is divide my yarn up so that I can start warping on the table runners I'm planning to weave in the next few weeks for very very very belated wedding gifts for the cousins-in-law. I also have a scarf/shawl to weave up on the rigid heddle for mum-in-law as well as making her a broach to go with it. Interesting how once I've decided on a project and began working on it I just can't wait to get it finished because I've already gotten excited about the next project ;)
I'm also trying to find the time and energy to help out with
Weavezine website feature testing, but more importantly product reviews.
I love my little gruntasaurous, he made the last few days tolerable. Every time I would start feeling myself getting really upset about crashing, he'd do something adorable that would have me in fits of giggles with him and it didn't matter suddenly if I was aching or tired. Last night he and I snuggled down together on the couch to watch tv, it was the easiest way I could think of to calm him down for the night and it worked wonderfully. I nearly let him fall to sleep there but ended up putting him in his bed. He's getting so good an going to sleep in his cot now. We can pretty much putting him down, pop on the waves and sometimes he'll just go right to sleep, other times he will grissle for a little while and then fall right off. Naps are generally 45 minutes -3 hours long which is great. He managed to sleep for 3.5 hours the other night after his "dream feed" at 11. So amazing to get that much sleep in one go, too bad last night was totally the opposite. :(
He's due for his next round if immunisations and a checkup with the Plunket nurse next week *sigh*. I hate having to take him to get needles. I feel like when painful things happen to him I'm always the one there (I've bopped him on the head twice now and cut his little thumb with the nail clippers - I feel like such a beast), at least I'm also the one right there to cuddle and kiss him and sooth those same hurts so it's not all bad.
His favorite giggle-making activity at the moment seems to be wrinkling up his little nose - it's just way to cute. He can now roll from his back to his front and vice-versa, only he doesn't always remember that he can get from tummy to back and starts to get grumpy about it.
I have these thick slabs of perspex all ready to put on the front of some of my photos ready to take and sell at the market and local artist/crafters shop in town, only I can't find an adhesive that gives me a result I'm happy with. I have about 5 tabs open in my browsers with a bunch of new ideas to try though. I hate getting all enthused about a project only to start feeling defeated. Really takes the motivation out of continuing.
Our land
Earthworks have started on our block of land, the drive way has been carved and the platform is being shaped. I still have no idea what it's supposed to all end up looking like, but it will be done in about 2 weeks and we can really start to do some house and garden planning. We have so many ideas and will be so great to finally be able to get them firmed up.
Ok, I've just put Pip to bed and now I'm starting to feel the effects of my day. So nice to actually have some time and energy to write a few things down though. My head is swirling with everything I want to say, but the thoughts are too thick and I can't find the strands for individual thoughts right now, so instead I'm going to get on to ordering the replacement glass for our blender so I can start those berry smoothies asap! yum!
- must get new battery for laptop! (lucky LJ has autosave!)
- been nominated official dessert provider for Atamai potlucks after my last two pot-luck contributions (amazing chocolate mouse and my oh so yummy banoffi pie)