Feb 21, 2009 12:16
Hahaha... I guess Myspace and Facebook have really taken over everyone's lives. It's all good. Not a whole lot new going on... Well... sort of. I'm attending CofC now for Biology. That's going well. I had a craptastic first semester there but now things are back to good. Taking a genetics class. That's rockin'.... I finally got my first tattoo a couple of days ago. It's (no surprise) the deftones logo with the star from Around the Fur. Gah I love them. :} I'll *maybe* post a picture once it heals. Who knows, it could be another year before I get back here again. Greg and I are doing fabuloso. He got his first tattoo the day before me. :D It's his "Dead" totem pole that he's been planning for years.
Alrighty... well I need to get going. I'm procrastinating the leaving the apt thing because it's cold out. Blah. But I really do need to hit the store. The kitties need litter... and I'ma look at some frames for my artwork. Woo.
Hope everyone that still reads this stuff is doing well!