Feb 15, 2010 10:50
I went to NZ for 2 weeks. It was great. Details to come in a future post.
On another note, trying to enrol in Nursing Honours units and find out what the hell is going on with them is a pain in the arse. I know I have 2 units in first semester- Nursing and Midwifery Honours Preparation and Epidemiology and Biostatistics- but they're not listed in the list of units in either undergraduate or postgraduate units. The unit coordinators aren't listed. After multiple emails, I have established that N&MHP has a seminar from 4-6pm Thursdays, and E&B may or may not have a class that clashes with this (which is odd, since I anticipate there being a small number of students taking this course and both units are compulsory).
ETA: I have now found out who the course coordinator is, but I am unable to access university email to contact her because it appears to be down. I am not allowed to use my personal email address for university business (because external providers might be unreliable, dontcha know).