Jan 18, 2009 10:05
So I'm five months in- but it's really only the half-way mark!
I feel a little deceived- everyone makes pregnancy seem easy and fun! It's been nothing like that up until this past week for me.
It's not that i've had a very difficult pregnancy- afterall the baby is healthy, the heartbeat is strong and he's got all the bits and pieces he should according to the 3-D ultrasound; but it's been the most physically trying part of my life.
The first two months were marked by severe nausea, my head in the toilet or just being blindfolded- ah, the migraines. Now I'm not sure if it was the pregnancy that caused the vomiting or if it was the agony of the migraines that did it- regardless puking occurred.
The third months were marked by heartburn that left me in tears every single evening and that prevented me sleeping more than two or three hours a night. And I tried everything- smaller meals, eating bland, tums etc! Nothing helped. Later in that month- carpal tunnel- I'm retaining too much water- so i had sharp pains in my left arms.
The fourth month, the arm pain remained, but my back started to feel as though it would break every time i laid down. Every night the same ritual occurred- Poor Eric would have to build a fort-o-pillows around my ever-growing body. Spasms shot through me every time I tried to relax. I'm sure I looked like something out of the Exorcist movie.
And the weight. Funny, the only way to keep the nausea at bay was eating- and eat I did. But now i've ballooned, not only in the front where i'm carrying the baby, but all over! Ah, the belly weight- I'm fortunate, I have one of those super beautiful round bellies you see in magazines, but I could do with the flabby arms and butt! LOL. "Just go to the gym"- yeah, that's a dream- after three to four hours of sleep a night and then working 8-10 hours a day, I hardly feel like going to the gym. It's all I can do just to do my yoga four times a week so that I become more flexible for the "big event". Ahhh yes, the belly- not so convenient when you're a stomach sleeper. But then again, you can't sleep on your back either- your heart starts palpating like crazy because you're blocking blood flow. It's better if you sleep on your left side they say- for the baby that is. But what if you can't put pressure on your left side due to your stupid arm? (how can I retain water on my left side, but not my right side?) Don't worry Michelle, the carpal tunnel syndrom SHOULD disappear after you've delivered.
Now in my early fifth month- i start to feel kicking. "it's beautiful" they say....So I was sitting on the couch the first time it happend, watching a movie with Eric when all of a sudden i burst out "OUCH MAN". "What's a matter" "The baby kicked me in the ribs- AND IT HURT!". I called my sister to tell her "What the hell did you think it would feel like? You're being kicked for chrissake!" True that.
Why don't people talk about this? Why is it just butterflies and lolypops and "oh, it's such a happy time"....
Okay, but things are on the rise- I slept four nights in a row for 6 hours each night! woohoo!
I'm so bitchy today :)