Aug 15, 2024 21:52
Some still ask how a pedophile managed to climb the ladder to billionaire status. I say that it was inevitable, and ultiamtely society did it to themselves. Before I explain, first some context that may seem confusing at first but I promise it will all come together in the end.
A little over 2000 years ago there was this guy named Jesus. You've probably heard of him. Whole religion grew up around him despite him not really wanting that to happen. But that is neither here no there - what matters is that this new religion was, so they themselves claim, strongly persecuted by the governming body of the time (i.e. the Romans). The Romans were, as the name implied, based out of Rome. Now fast forward to the present and this once (allegedly) persecuted group owns the city of Rome, or at least a nice chunk of it in the form of the Vatican. Now ask this question: How did that happen?
The answer is that they became a secret society, and a secret society, any secret society, by its very nature, cannot help but gain wealth, influence and ulimately power - at least so long as they remain secret. This is because, as a survival mechanism, they have to do these things. Wealth, influence and power equal safety & security. They translate into protection for the members of the secret society. Furthermore, as every member of the group will constantly be looking out for & helping out every other member of that group whenever the opportunity presents itself, the accumulation of wealth, influence and power are also inevitable. It's the natural advantage that any organized, directed group has over any undirected mob of individuals.
Thus, Bob the secret Christian sneaks his way into a management position and slowly begins replacing everyone under his authority with fellow Christians. He makes sure they are first in line for raises and promotions of their own. Eventually the entire company is filled with nothing but Christians. Again, all this happened not in spite of being persucuted but precisely because of it.
Now I'm not drawing any direct connections between Christians and pedophiles (though it wouldn't be hard), the same rules apply to this day and in this day there is no group more hated & persecuted than pedophiles. Is this justifiable? Absolutely! I'm no different than anyone else in wanting to see these guys get tossed into the nearest rat infested dungeons. However, I am also aware that one of the consequences of this is that we've collectively turned them into a secret society. Guess what happens next?
Exactly. They start hooking each other up, protecting each other, and generally trying to worm their way into positions of wealth, power and influence to protect themselves & each other. Jefferey Epstein was just the most obvious example of this, and he's only obvious because he eventually got caught (twice) and thus finally brought down because that is the only crime in which even a billionaire can't just bribe their way out of... at least not forever. It just makes me wonder how many 1%ers are in that little club of theirs who haven't been caught. Probably an uncomforable amount, actually (not that there is any amount that should be considered "comfotable" but you get my point).
So what is to be done? I honestly don't know. It's not like we can normalize that sort of thing to lure them out of hiding, because that would be, well, just disgusting. Send in undercover FBI agents to inflitrate their group? Sure, but good look finding a volunteer for that sort of thing. But if nothing else we can take away this lesson: If you do want to find these guys and their little club of sickos, start at the top. The highest places of wealth, power & influence. Because that's where all secret societies and all persecuted groups eventually end up.
the decline of civilization