If one looks at any political map of the USA then one will notice that the denser the population of any area the more blue (Democratic) it reads and the lower the population the more red (Republican) it shows. As stated before, this is the end result of a natural evolutionary process. To recap that: Simply surviving in a high-population density area requires being more open-minded and accepting of various people's differences, because even in an ethnically homogeneous area you will still find lots of other people who, at the very least, think & behave differently than one's self. Therefore one must either be tolerant or one will quickly find themselves constantly getting into fights with the vast multitudes around them. Since the USA is notorious for having a heavily armed civilian population such fights can & most likely will turn fatal in short order. Thus simple natural selection drives those humans in high-density areas towards liberal attitudes - because those that lack them either get killed or driven out by fear of being killed.
Conversely, a person who lives in the middle of nowhere is free to be narrow-minded and hateful all they want because they stand zero chance of ever encountering whatever group or type of person it is that they fear so much. It was for this reason that America's bigots all began moving out into the sticks long ago and have been doing so ever since. So long as said bigots are of the same ethnic group (and they are) then, even with actually having neighbors, they are still protected from having to actually come into contract with anyone who isn't exactly like themselves. Furthermore, having once achieved numeric dominance, they now have the muscle needed to make sure than no one ever enters their little dominions. Again, natural selection dictates that anyone who tries to integrate into a bigot-zone is going to be quickly killed or driven out.
As an aside it is worth noting that the Alt-Left types are currently doing this exact same thing to our college systems and elsewhere, which has a lot of people justifiably worried. Not all intolerant bigots are right-wing. But I digress...
This leads us to the current situation with Trump's endless racist tirades. Is he insane or just stupid? Well, both, but that's beside the point because his handlers in Moscow most certainly know exactly what they're doing. Specifically, he's deliberately gaming the Electoral College.
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The summary is basically this: The 25 least populated states in America have more EC votes than the 25 most populated states. That's not a typo nor is it backward - that's the reality. Presidential elections are not decided by New York or California. They are decided by the flyover states, because their votes are worth more per person than places where people actually live.
For example,
and I quote: California has one electoral vote per 712,000 people, Wyoming - the least populous state in the country - has one electoral vote per 195,000 people.
Which, in turn, means that the vote of 1 person in Podunk, Wyoming is worth more than the votes of 3 people combined who all live in Los Angeles. So yes, it is really very simple to game the EC to win even when losing the popular vote simply by pandering to people who live out in the middle of nowhere and can't cope with the rest of humanity.
How do we best define these sorts of people? See above. Nowhere, USA is populated predominantly by bigots. Specifically, bigots of the white-hetero-christian-male variety. As mentioned earlier, while bigots come in all kinds of shapes, colors and ideologies, this particular kind is our focus here because that's who you have to pander to in order to get those precious, high-value EC flyover state votes.
And that, folks, is exactly what Trump is doing. He's probably too stupid to realize it himself, but again, his handlers in Moscow definitely know what they're doing. This is a strategy and, disgusting as it is, it is a valid one. If all one cares about is winning at any cost (which is where the GOP is these days) then yes, pandering to bigots and racists to lock down that all-important inbred asshat vote is indeed the smart way to go about it. So long as one does that it doesn't matter if you only get as little as 30% of the popular vote, the EC will still declare you the winner.
And if you're team is looking in the face of an ever growing number of opponents due to decades of lousy economic policies that have practically crippled our entire infrastructure, gutted the middle-class and turned the top 1% into de facto royalty (y'know, that thing we once fought a war over to get rid of?) then yes... switching to a strategy where numbers no longer matter, or rather the math has been twisted so that you can still win elections when the numbers are against you, is the logical thing to do.
Not as logical as, say, knowing when you've been beaten, giving the fuck up and trying to salvage a little bit of dignity or negotiating power when inevitable defeat comes kicking in your door, but one cannot honestly expect those who've lived their entire lives safely nested inside of little wealth-bubbles to have what it takes to come to grips with a reality that doesn't favor them. In other words, this "Battle of the Bulge" situation is as inevitable as this new strategy of pandering to bigots who's only neighbors are cows.
So there you have it, folks - the real reason behind Trumps racist tirades. It's a strategy, and a legitimate (if morally repugnant) one that already worked once in 2016. We shouldn't be the least bit surprised that he's only ramped it up since then, as this is pretty much the only way he can hope to win in 2020. And while he's most likely oblivious to all this himself, it doesn't really matter because the people behind the scenes who are directing him along this path are doing so with a carefully calculated deliberate intent.
How to fix this shit:
#1) Abolishing the Electoral College should be the #1 priority of the Democratic Party the moment they've established enough congressional power to do so.
#2) Enjoy a hundred years of uncontested rule once everyone's vote is truly equal.