Summer is coming to an end, and the dark autumn clouds that are starting to gather over Badger's Sett are a pretty accurate reflection of the mood over at the Baudelaire house.
Adrian: "You're not seriously thinking of leaving, Nikolai?"
Nikolai: "You bet I am. It's clear that neither I or my opinions are respected in this place. I don't have to put up with being attacked by some lunatic hairball, and then forced to live with him in peace as if it's all no big deal! No, I'll be packing my suitcases soon and moving back to Sim City. It'll be good to live in civilisation again."
Ella: "But you can't!"
Nikolai: "You'll find I'm well within my rights to abandon a project I no longer feel is fruitful. It's simply gone too far. If my sister wants to finance this joke of an undertaking, that's her business, but I'll go back to managing Baudelaire Security Co. I'm under no contractual obligation to stay with this project."
Ella: "I'm not talking about contracts or projects, you jerk!"
Nikolai: "Now really, I think that's a little uncalled for..."
Adrian: *Has slunk off in silence a while ago*
Ella: "Has the time we spent together been that meaningless to you? We're only just getting to know eachother better, and now you want to leave?"
Nikolai: "Well, I..."
Ella: "Besides, you're just going to pack your bags and run? From that useless, infuriating, good-for-nothing sack of fur? You're going to let him win?! You should at the very least stay until you've shown everyone you were right about Rolfe and everything else! These people owe you! Don't just let them boss you around, fight back! It should be you running this town, not that green-skinned airhead!"
Nikolai: "Well, when you put it like that..."
Nikolai: "You're right. This place needs me, really. They don't know what's really best for them."
Ella: "And you're staying for us, of course."
Nikolai: "Ah uhm, yes, that too of course."
Nikolai: "... so I have decided to stay after all. Purely in a monitoring function, I am still withdrawing my financial support, but Yelena has confirmed that she will take over any monetary matters."
Lexi: "Well, I must say I'm surprised but pleased, Nikolai. I really think you have made the right decision. You have given this community so much already, we never would have made it this far without you. It's great that you've decided to stay and help us succeed. You'll see, this place is going to be a great town, maybe even a city.And things will be much easier when the supply drop arrives next week."
Nikolai: "I am looking forward to that. It'll be good to have proper furniture again - no offense to your beau's handiwork."
Lexi: "...haha, yes." *Good for you maybe, you took up a lot of valuable space with your damn SIMKEA order. Space we could've used better for other things...*
Lexi wasn't only over to discuss Nikolai's future, she also wanted to spend some time with Adrian, who is living with Nikolai until the extension to her cabin is complete. She's still trying to get over her confusion after having woohoo'd Licas, but Adrian really is a great guy who cares for her more than just a roll in the hay. Not that Lexi has anything against hay or rolling, mind you.
Ella has been visiting a lot as well to see Nikolai, and isn't very happy with Lexi's presence, often giving her the stink-eye when she thinks Lexi isn't looking. Licas' presence certainly seems to be creating more and more of a rift in Badger's Sett.
Adrian is out almost all day, working on Lexi's cabin or Oswald and June's new farm. The farm especially is quite the challenging project, requiring all able hands for construction. In his sparce time off, Adrian devotes himself to his One True Hobby, Arts and Crafts.
On Ella's gentle but firm insistence, Nikolai has been spending a lot more time with her. It's not that he doesn't like her (he really does) or wants to spend time with her (he quite enjoys it), his mind is usually simply on a myriad of other things, none of which involve romance.
Never let it be said that a Baudelaire can't learn, however.
Love is not only in the air for Nikolai and Ella, Lexi and Adrian have been edging towards something more committed lately.
Adrian: "The cabin's done, the new bed is done... you think I'd be able to move in tomorrow?"
Lexi: "That'd be lovely. I really do appreciate all your work, it's looking great. I just wish I knew how to thank you for it."
Adrian: "Well, I think I know a way you can."
Adrian: "Tell me you'd be my wife. Uhm, please?"
Lexi: "Oh my... is that... where did you manage to get this?!"
Adrian: "Uhm, I kinda borrowed June's ring. You'll have to give it back to her, apparently it's a McFusty heirloom. But your actual one is arriving with the rest of the supplies next week. I just couldn't wait anymore!"
Lexi: "That's... kinda weird, actually."
Lexi: "Oh what the hell. Come here, you big galoot."
Adrian: "Is that a yes?"
Lexi: "It's a be-glad-I-didn't-kick-your-ass-for-proposing-to-me-with-someone-else's-ring."
Adrian: "So... yes?"
Lexi: "Yes!"