guess what today isssss~

Dec 25, 2010 11:10


and for those of you who don't celebrate Christmas, HAPPY DECEMBER 25!!!

so let's take a look at my Christmas, shall we?

woke up at 9, texted everyone a Merry Christmas, found out from my cousin that IT WAS SNOWING 8D, had to wake my mom up at 9:00, she woke my brothers (aka, the bears), finally made it to the basement where the presents are at 9:45, ravaged my stocking, opened my gifts while my brothers opened theirs, watched my parents open their gifts from each other, and now im posting about it ^.^

What I recieved:
~ Sims3 + Ambitions Expansion (from Nick)
~ 50$ Gift card to Hot Topic (from Matt)
~ clothes (that i picked out a month ago XD)
~ headphones (not those wretched earbuds that don't stay in >.<)
~ penguin ornament
~ 2GB flashdrive
~ blank cds
~ mother/daughter ornament
~ classic Pen Set (I <3 PENS OMGGGG ... ... ... of all the things i could love, ide... o.0)
~ Wolf wall calendar (to replace the one i have now)
~ more eyeliner
~ MindfreaK Card Deck (CRISS ANGEL FTW!!!! ahhhh the only old man i could ever ravage, given the chance, without being grossed out~)
~ adorable little stuffed penguin (HE'S SO SOFT OMG)
~ The Vampire Chronicles (all 3 books in one, hardback, the edges are GOLD 8D)
~ a big reese's snowboarding snowman (YUMMM)
~ 3 lottery tickets (i've been 18 for how long now, and i still havent played XD)
~ new toofbrush
~ penguin thermas
~ jewelry box (so pretty!!!)
~ OH YEAH! and a camera~ i fanally have my own ^.^

PICTURE TIME 8D (all taken with my new Camera~)

Nudge got a candy cane rawhide thing and it was HUGE and she devoured nearly half of it O.O

my prezzies~

there is an inside joke in my family that Nudge is a "party animal", so Santa brought her a squaky toy that looks like a bottle of Heineken

our christmas tree and Nudge ^.^


chiristmas, snow, so excited- you have no idea, amazing day!!!

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