Oct 19, 2005 09:47
It would take a thousand-fold increase from today's computing power, but here's what I'd like to see - compile-ahead development.
You know how in Firefox and some better text editors, as you type in a search, it automatically jumps ahead to the next match? When you see what you want, you simply stop typing.
Well, I'd like to see a compiler that is constantly compiling your program as you type it in. Maybe it could even run your unit tests for you. Most of the time you were typing, you'd see a red status indicator, because your program isn't even syntactically correct while you're still typing a line. But as soon as the program becomes compilable again (in many cases, after each line) - bam - it would be. Any errors would be waiting in another window/monitor for you to correct (or ignore, if you were expecting errors prior to completing another module).