
Apr 09, 2007 15:37

You've probably seen "purewhitenoise.com - Distant Thunder" as my currently playing music a few times... it's simply an hour-long recording of a thunderstorm. I have it set up to loop on my MP3 player, and I listen to it through the most soundproof earbuds I can find, for my entire workday.

Do you know why I go to such lengths to block out external noise? I mean, aside from the constant blabbing emitting from my neighboring cubicles? I'll tell you:


There is a lady a couple cubes over. She meets the Webster's definition of "cat lady": single, probably always will be, owns multiple cats, and likes to bore people with stories about them. And aside from constantly coughing like she's going to die tomorrow, she chews CornNuts. She does so loudly (for there is no other way to consume something so crunchy, except maybe swallowing them whole).

So in addition to the yammering, coughing, and banging of drawers by my neighbor (who I think takes his aggression out on his furniture so he doesn't go postal, but that's another post), I get to listen to loud chewing noises all day. This is not a recent development; she's been grinding away on these things for the year and a half I've worked here, probably longer.

What I *really* want is a ban on open-plan offices, but failing that, I would settle on a ban on CornNuts. I'd just ask her to stop, but I'm afraid I'd look crazy.

Maybe I am crazy. But it's the CornNuts that made me that way.


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