geek out #26

Sep 11, 2005 11:08

so, playing around with sound lately....I have come across something quite intersting. It is a proggie called Coagula which is a free utility that converts pictures to sound, and vise-versa.

here is a sample (another proggie used to capture this actually called a Spectrograph, but you can get the idea of what I am talking about) of Aphex Twin's 'Windowlicker' ep track 2

interesting. Seems James here has placed an image of himself, albeit a bit altered, into a track, but one would never know unless you knew about this. So I started to play around with my own images, converting them into sound waves. Most of the sounds end up a scratchy, noisy bumble, but I can see great avenues with the tweaking and layering of various sounds...or in this case, collections of works together. Say I wanted to combine certain images from my Elemental collection...lets say Earth, Fire, Air, and Water....and using various audio progs, I could create something that directly ties into my work, a audio collage of my images. Now lets say I wanted to push that one step further and revisualize my new sound bite. Images converted to sound then reconverted to an image. What would happen I wonder? I also wonder how many other artists have actually played around with such tools....I would almost bet that BoC would be creative enough to toss something into one of their songs with as much tweaking as they do.

anyway..this is my mad hatter moment for Sunday.
-insert manic cackle here-
(wonder what THAT would look like)
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