Jun 17, 2003 16:00
mood] bored
[music] none
[time] 3:30 pm
[eating] nothing
[drinking] nothing
[clothes] pink vs cami and shorts
[thinking] about our relationship
[wanting] to see him
[weather] not sure
[loving] surprisingly life
[hating] the fact that im not moving out for another year
[watching] nothing
[what color are your walls?] warm earth
[what does your room look like?] warm and inviting
[what are your favorite pictures you own?] all the ones of me growing up
[what kinda shoes?] barefoot
[what's that good stuff I smell?] my natural scent
[what do your bed sheets look like?] dark purple velvet
[what is always right next to your bed?] nothing
[what would describe you in one word?] mysterious
[most overused phrase?] sadly "like"
[what's all on your walls in your room?] a mirror and b/w photos
[what do you think about before you sleep?] what I want
[do you pray?] never
[are you an atheist?] yes
[have any diseases?] yes
[have any disorders?] yes
[what would you wish for?] close girlfriends I can always count on
[do drugs regularly?] I try
[drink like a lonely 40yr old man at a bar?] is there any other way
[what song describes you best?] pick any from evenscence
[your oldest boyfriend/girlfriend?] my recent one. 6 years older
[funniest memory] too many to name
[saddest memory] sitting in my bathroom cutting myself
[scariest memory] hurricane andrew
[happiest memory] junior year, miami
[you're looking forward to] getting my townhome
[you're not looking forward to] the bills
[what are you doing online?] this
[who are you talking to?] no one
[favorite bands?]evanescence, .
[favorite local bands?] none.
[band that writes the best lyrics?], evanscence
[band you'd be a groupie for?] eminem,
[ever done anything with a banana besides eat it?] nope
[had sex more then once in a period of 5 months?] uh..of course
[do you like humping things?] only guys.
[ever stuck your tongue out and wink at a hot guy/girl?] maybe
[what are you addicted to?] sex,alcohol,ice, love, sleeping pills
[have any obsessions?] music, shopping, sex, drinking, drugs.
[current annoyance] my mom
[last GOOD concert you've been to?] cant remember
[what do you collect?] shot glasses, cool alcohol bottles
[ever had to do community service?] yes
[do you have a job?] yes, AAC
[where do you go to school?] GUC
[do you exercise regularly?] all the time
{friends/people who...}
[sits at your lunch table] Mallory, Jessica,bobby,lacey
[last person that made your heart fall to your feet] michael
[last person you fell in love with] never been in love
[makes you piss yourself laughing] a lot of people, paul
[annoys you] a lot of people
[you miss the most] having friends
[were in a car with] 3 lifegaurds from work
[was over your house] razi, brent, pete
[you haven't talked to in months] everyone from duluth
[makes you horny] pete…god
[last person you went to a show with] justin
[last persons house you were at] brent
[last person that IMed you] katie
[you want to die] jade hehe
[you can tell anything to] razi, craig, Katie, Lisa
[you're going to call tonight] jonny, pete, razi
[last person you emailed] my mom
[you wish you looked like] any model
[acts like you the most] christina
[has changed the most] me
[is a good friend you never get to see] katie
[are you most likely to marry] haven’t met them
[do you talk to online, but not in person} Justin, this other guy
[has the nicest ass] pete, brenson
[guy that has the nicest hair] pete
[girl that has the nicest hair] Jamie shirling
{have you ever...}
[lied about your age] yes, but not anymore
[broke the law] to many times, got caught too
[cried in public] unfortunatly
[commited suicide] came pretty damn close
[ran away from home] no.
[been attracted to the same sex] nah
[drank a whole bottle of bacardi 151] drank whole bottles of similar things
[puked from drug usage] no
[puked from alcohol usage] yeah only once or twice
[made yourself puke] yes (because i was waaaaaaay too drunk)
[been to jail] almost
[got drunk/high at or before work/school] too many times
[got your foot stuck in a chair] my head
[went for 3 days without showering] I think when I was in the hospital
[saved unusual things from people] yeah
[stalked someone] no not really.
[partied for a week straight] many many times.
[been fucked up for a week straight] many many times
[been in an ambulance] yes
[if so, when/what for] sickness, poisoning
[pissed yourself] almost
[painted your nails black] no actually
[thought you were a bird] in my dreams
[chased a bird] caught one actually
[almost killed a bird] no
[been stuck somewhere] yeah many places
[made a screename with someones name in it] no
[slept with someone over 18] many many people
[drank slimfast] yeah.
[snorted when you laughed] yeah