[In the hospital ward]

Aug 03, 2009 23:57

GDF huh? That’s a pretty snazzy name. “Galaxy Defense Force?” is it? I like it. Makes you think of real heroes of justice, that’s for sure.

Oh, but where are my manners? Name’s L’Angley Fortier, I’m a drifter born and raised over in Neo France. Nice to meet you guys.

I’d come greet you guys personally, but apparently I almost killed myself with that reentry stunt. Hurt like a bitch too, let me tell you. But hey, I lived, no harm done right?

Anyway, they’ve asked me to sign on with you guys. Fight the good fight, protect the earth sphere from the aliens, all that good stuff. Couldn’t sign that contract fast enough.

Well, that would have been the case, but the sling on my arm is kind of preventing that and I’m not too good signing with my mouth. But I think they got the idea.

Anyway, looking forward to working with you guys, go ahead and stop by the hospital ward if you’ve got time. I’d love to meet some of you in person!
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