It's too hot now to search for a frigging book! XD I'll search this weekend and bring it Monday when I bring back my other books I'm talking to Cc and am listening to music.. WOO.. <.<'''..
I feel like writing about random stuff so I will do that
I was looking earlier at the site of METAMORPHOSE and BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT. ♥
So, here some cute stuff XD
Bonnet with cards print
Super cute ribbon :D a barrette thingy..
I like the fabric .w. and lace
I can't help but thing that these are amazing for Decora and for Fairy-kei :D ♥
♪ Pony In Sweet Dream ♪ ♥ >/v/<
I also like the bow of that print ^^;..
Once I sketched 2 of my characters, using these poses.. the ones Tsuji Nozomi is making :3 (In the background is Ai Kago.)
And and :D to prove it, here it is: ♥
Manari (Left) And Yugirin (Right.)
Manari is a girl :3 145 cm Yugirin is a boy, 150 cm .w.''.. and.. not sure about his age yet
It's for my stories o3o'''..
I love this song and dance :3
I adore the girl in the middle with that super long hair *o* WANNA!!.. (lol, I forgot if I had posted this earlier some time.. so if did, I don't care XD here is it again :D)
Click to view
Today and tomorrow is my last day as a "child' XD haha, officially by age then.. but I don't feel that way..
I'm still young :3 especially I'm a kid at heart ôwô... I think X'D.. haha.. anyway..
Yes, I know I didn't write much .. XD