When I looked at the Dutch EGL Forum, I was a bit surprised when I looked in
niesje7002 's art topic: she drew me XD
It was very cute >v<'' ♥
Lol.. that was the only thing I have to say.. XD
There isn't really much going on. I won't go to the 2nd "intake-talk" at Citaverde, because I want to go to a school in Belgium.
Tomorrow and Friday, students from HAVO4 work on their "profile essay", but because I go to another school next year I don't have to do it.. but I still have to go to school Dx.. doing nothing XD..
But I still had to do something for Social Studies, so when I had class from teacher earlier today, I asked him if I could do it tomorrow.. and he was ok with it >w<.. I have no idea what he wants me to make XD. It used to be this kind of "news test", like the things that are happening in a certain period.. but because you can find those tests on the internet with the answers, the teacher stopped with those.
Oh!.. and next week mr Gorris from History comes back ♥.. well.. he's already back at school, but from next week on we have class from him again :D.. he was ill, so some lady taught us in the meanwhile.
..looks like did have something to write XD..