been a while

Jun 16, 2007 10:29

I've been off the radar lately catching up on some much needed R&R. My next two semesters will be my most trying as I have 17 hours each for both. I've been thinking of my game engine, and my story and working on moving to the next step in both.

I've rehit the drawing board on my grand story. There are 3 very integrul parts of the story that all have to fall together. The three parts are: The creation of the Universe, The Galactic Earth Civilization, and the Main story. Both the first two parts have gone under drastic transformations and evolutions which have negated many parts of the main story. So I have to rethink the main story which is why i've gone back to my roots, the game that inspired my story origionally, Xenogears.

The engine works great, even capable of doing things I didn't initally design for it to do. The next steps are going to be intresting, and i've imployed a project management system to help me decide the next systems to implement. Those being the 3D scene manager and the User Interface. Two rather large projects that contain many sub projects within them. For instance the Scene manager has to work with a 3d model type which means I have to design a file format. The User Interface not only implments the UI but is a parallel system to 2D engine development. The basics of the engine I want to be malluable so I can manipulate it for other games.
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