Bricks And Boughs

Mar 21, 2011 00:30

Yale is an old school. It's strange, seeing kids going to school in such old buildings, while out west our campuses are generally pretty new. Some places, like Berkeley, have some old buildings, but not nearly as many and not nearly as old. The school I went to was almost entirely modern. I don't think this was a bad or good thing, just something that struck me as interesting.

Anyway, this is a picture of new snow next to an old building. I just love the contrast.

In other news, I finally got a new camera! My Pentax K10D has been replaced by a shiny new K-5. Jumping three camera generations so quickly has left me with a bit of a learning curve, but I'm really excited about photography again now that I won't have to deal with the problems my last camera had. Woohoo!

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