OOC: Character bits and pieces.

Nov 22, 2007 10:07

  • Neopian Faeries are ageless, being the equivalent of angels, or an unreasonable facsimile thereof. As such, the Space Faerie doesn't really look any specific age. Let's just say she's old enough to know better.

  • Speaking of knowing better, she's SO incredibly naive. She spends about 99% of her time out in space, alone. This gives her a strange sense of detachment from her "home world" of Neopia. If pressed, she could name all the different types of Neopet, but she'd probably forget one or two. She's not really all that up on politics or events, either. If you said the word 'Gadgadsbogen' to her, she'd just tilt her head and go, "Excuse me?"

  • Her real name is Lumindra. Nobody except for Fyora and Dr. Frank Sloth know it. (This is entirely made up, btw. Neopets.com does not list any real name for the Space Faerie.)

  • She's telepathic. It's a specific type of telepathy, letting her know when a Neopet is in danger. If she focuses, she can read your mind, but prefers not to.

  • Reason she prefers not to? Using her telepathy gives her the most gawdawful headaches.

  • She has a tendency to keep her face blank and neutral. Any sort of expression is something she has to think about. Every so often a genuine look will cross her face, but that's rare. It's just not something she learned to do.

  • She is incredibly, unnaturally strong. She's a magical faerie, what'd you expect?

  • Any major use of magic causes her to become incredibly fatigued. She's amazingly powerful in very short bursts, but after that needs some time (and possibly plot McGuffins) to recharge.

  • She doesn't need to breathe. She DOES, but it's not necessary.

Physical characteristics:
  • Height: 5' exactly
  • Weight: 90 lbs. Weightless when flying.
  • Hair: Blue
  • Eyes: Red.
  • Skin: Orange.
  • Pants: Very shiny.


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