Sep 06, 2004 16:36
I stand in a room, stripped to the bone. Appliances and electronics that belong to me have been torn from their sockets. Posters half-hang from the walls and the stench (or the lovely fragrance?) of change is in the air. Some things will never change...the bitten-off nails from my compulsive chewing, the dings in the wall from when my temper has flared, the vent above my desk from which a few stray hairs hang that have not seemed to have budged in years. Some things will never be found again...young innocence trapped within Hasbro Inc. action figures of the Star Wars variety, stuffed animals that have a past more deep-rooted than that of a rich child in the suburbs have been shoved into a closet, they WERE shoved into a closet long ago, but it feels like yesterday and you feel something sickening in the pit of your gut when you realize you can't take it all with you and even if you did, the memories would remain and you would desperately try to cling onto those fond, old memories through material posessions. I walk into my new room hours later.
this is not your room you do not belong here get the fuck out stop deluding yourself you miserable piece of shit
And I settle in.
Here is what I have to say to the Catholics Against Kerry woman in Uptown:
It is quite obvious to say that the strength of the Separation of Powers is that it acknowledges the petty ambitions of individuals in concept. Bush and Congress are suppressing this acknowledgement. Do you support someone who does not support you nor your ambitions? I suppose you do because you don't seem like a Democrat.
Now if only I had the balls to actually say that verbatim to that mentally unstable woman of unnaturally large girth.
How pretentious of me...I have used multiple words with more than three syllables in a sentence. What can I say?
Well I can say this: there is an argument made that I have discussed with my dad and Jazzi and that is it unfortunately, but anyway its something interesting to think about and is as follows:
A society's bad qualities bring out the same bad qualities in its leaders.
In other words, it's our fault that Bush is incompetently in office. We voted and that is what we got, so its our fault. However in the case of our current administration, this aforementioned statement does not apply because Bush cheated in the last election, as if that is the news of the century and this rule (which is, according to my dad, an age-old one) has not always applied because other presidents have cheated their way into office (JFK being the prime example, therefore making him as much as, if not more of, a crook, ironically, as his follow-up Richard Nixon). But still I would say that in general, our weak qualities as a society represent George W. Bush: he is materialistic (oil, in his case), he is simple-minded, he has little or no patience...the list goes on and on. However, this argument really goes nowhere because the big picture should not be our political focus as a nation right now. What do we have in the White House, what type of administration? We have one of incompetence. We have incompetence in flesh running our country. And the next logical move is to get incompetence out of the White House. Fuck saying "getting Bush out of office," considering that it seems that it's usually just some extremist left-winger like Michael Moore whose arguments boil down to, "Get Bush out of office because he's a right-wing bastard who doesn't agree with me!" We need to get the mere concept of his existence out of office because it will leave a stench, no wait, scratch that, a scar on our nation and its history from its incompetence.
And I am through.