The Beginner's Guide to Haddyn Future-Slang

Aug 31, 1990 18:38

  • Bonds = friends (used as a noun; "my best bonds are here with me")
  • Cen = century
  • Coi = a low form of currency; Melaka's grab at the beginning of Fray earned her seventy of it - which is less than half a sil
  • Connex = connection
  • Famil = familiar
  • Fig = figure, reckon
  • Frock = Mel calls Buffy's sundress a frock - if this is smack talk or slang is unclear
  • Glam = pretty girl (?)
  • Govvers = government officials
  • Grab = a job, usually a thieving or retrieval one
  • Half-coi = half of a coi; a derogatory term
  • Hokum = hookie, dubious
  • Jesu = the equivalent of saying "God" or "Christ" as an oath
  • Law = a police officer, it's used as a noun; one would say they are a "Law"
  • Lurk = vampire
  • Mt. Walmore = apparently what Mt. Rushmore is now called
  • Needs = retard, mentally challenged
  • Noram = it's unclear what this is, but given Haddyn's a "district," from context it's possible "Noram" is the greater entity it's part of
  • Ock = seen ("now she's ocked it," "I can't ock it")
  • Offer Submission = what Laws say instead of something like "hands in the air"
  • Old 'Merican = Modern English (It's not clear, but it's highly possible the writing system in the future is different or basically that looking at modern works of writing are like us looking at Shakespeare)
  • Poss = possible
  • Pump = a steroid user, a genetically modified person, basically an artificial superhuman
  • Radie = someone mutated by the sun's overly strong radiation
  • Shifter = a liar (?)
  • Sil = another form of currency - silver arm bands; three is enough for a month of Melaka's wage
  • Skew = wrong, screwy
  • Slack = idiot
  • Spin = a lie
  • Spled = good, excellent
  • Toy = bad
  • Uppers = the upper city (high/presumably middle class people live up there in Haddyn)

List is relatively complete of terms ins canon. Might add up made up ones later.

*slang, *ooc

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