you are: PINK SPIDER! creepy...subliminal messages!
oooo butterfly...spider...thats so deep @.@
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Quizilla Hell yeah ;3
So I left on Friday. Jim said he'd call on Monday, but so far he hasn't. He isn't even on the caller ID. Oh well... Anyway, the drive to Ryan's was agonizing. I shouldn't have left so late, but the electricity went out and my alarm clock didn't wake me up so I ended up sleeping for 16 hours. D: I think I'm sick u_u Anyway... Ryan I finally made it there, but man did I get there with low gas. The whole time there, I felt so paranoid about gas and money. Like I feel right now. Uuuuugh. Anyway, because of my lateness and paranoia, I accidently made the mistake of locking my keys in my car O___O Can you believe it? I sure can't. I don't even remember setting'em down where they were at, but they were definitely there. Anyway... I tried to ignore it the rest of the evening. I was just happy to be with Ryan. Earlier I told her that one of my reasons for going to Anime Reactor was to get a keychain... so guess what she got me while she was in Chinatown last week? A key chain! It's a little brown dragon thing just like my old key chain n___n I like it so much, but I don't think she really understands how much I appreciate her gift. <333 *Hopes that she gets to read this entry at some point* >>; That night, we watched Gravitation and unpacked some more stuff. Gravitation is one interesting anime. All I can say is that Ryuichi is so cool. <3 The rest of the guys, like Yuki and Shuichi and stuff... They're okay. I don't mind that they're gay but Shuichi has every average anime character's personality and Yuki's just an enigma. Ugh... But Ryuichi, now that guy's got it goin' on. After Ryan went to bed, me, her brother Derk, and Derek's friend Nick stayed up and watched Shrek. It was the first time I'd ever seen it and to be truthful, I really liked it. n_n The next day we all went out to my car and did our best to get the keys out. Lucky for me, I have this one back window that never rolls up all the way, so Derek slipped this metal sign thingy though the crack and managed to unlock the back the door. That was great because no offense, but I didn't wanna be stuck in Indiana forever D: Anyway, after that, me and Ryan went to Pizza hut. She seemed really giddy and stuff, but that whole day I was feeling so negative. It just wasn't any fun. So, we came home and just hanged out for awhile. Derek's other friend Paul eventually showed up. I really, really dislike that guy. He's always trying to hit on Ryan, but he's such a freak. Ugh... I swear to God I'm gonna end up beating his ass one day. u_u;; Anyway, he and Ryan got into a fight... not just any fight though. It was like... a fight fight u___u It was kinda like wrestling, but not the flirting kind of wrestling that guys and girls do with eachother. They were seriously at it... It was kinda embarrassing >>;; Anyway, I tried stopping her but she really wanted to beat his ass. I guess she felt bad that she'd gotten beaten by someone younger (and she was seriously pissed. No joke... x_X) so she kept attacking him. I eventually got bored trying to stop her though and decided to go watch Trigun as moody as ever. (Such a moody day for me D:) That night, we went driving around and stopped at all these stores right near her house. We got some drinks at the bookstore (I can never seem to remember it's name D:) and then later went to Pier 1 and finally the Electronics Boutique (When did they start calling it EB Games?)... After deciding that we were gonna get Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green, me and Ryan went at it in Def Jam's Fight for New York. I owned her with Ludacris n_n;; Then a couple of her friend's from school (One of them's name was Steve. I can't remember his girlfriend's name who was with'em D:) saw us and said hi. At first, I stayed back. I didn't wanna get in the middle of something between'em... I mean, I like Ryan and all but I don't wanna make a bad impression on her friends(Though I think I did), y'know? Anyway... she eventually forced me to introduce myself >>;; and we just hanged for awhile. Then Steve offered to buy everyone Pizza and we drove to this pizza place that served New York style pizza. It was crowded by goodness was that good Pizza (Even though it was the second time I'd had pizza that day XD). We just joked around and it was all good times. "Thumbs up, Ryan" ;3 Anyway, after that we went to the Inmans Bowling and Arcade. Even though I haven't played DDR since like... February, I was so confident that I could do well at that game. But I sucked... horribly. I even got a D on my favorite song. D: A song that I've AA'd multiple times before u_u;; It was depressing and added to the rest of my moodiness for the day D: Blah. Ryan probably doesn't think I had fun, but I did... I just woke up on the wrong side of her couch, I suppose you could say. After that, Steve went home and me and Ryan went back to her place with her brother. We started watching Moonchild until her mom came home... and unfortunatley, her mom wasn't in the best shape. She'd drank a bit and was dealing with major depression... Ryan's brothers weren't anywhere either u_u One of them went straight to bed and the other went to a friend's house. So Ryan did her best to help her mom, while I went out and bought some pepsi for her (she desperately need caffiene) and cleaned up the mess that Ryan's brother, Christian left in the kitchen. Eventually we got her to relax and stuff and she got to bed. Before that though, she apologized for how she'd been and she thanked me for my help. I didn't really think apology was necessary because, heh... I know what depression is like. u_u;; Me and Ryan soon went to bed too, and I had a nice long rest holding one of Ryan's plushies. The next day was a bit better... Though Ryan was feeling sick most of it, along with the rest of her family. We didn't really have a lot to do. It was mostly just her looking over her brothers while her Mom went out to do stuff. Eventually, Nick came over and brought X-Men 2 with'em which kept us busy for awhile. It's a good movie :3 Then later me and Ryan went to go to the mall or see a movie, but the mall closes early on sundays and the movie was just very blah... I didn't like the movie idea especially because of my money paranoia. We didn't really have much to do and Ryan was beginning to feel sick, so we started heading home... But we stopped at a few places on the way back to get Ryan's mom something for her birfday. She was turning 43 or something, but I gotta say that she does not look 43 years old at all o___o I was thinking early thirties or something, no joke. Anyway, Ryan got her a Beautiful Mind (Because she's a big Russell Crowe fan) and that was cool. She liked it a lot n_n I also put together a vacuum sweeper she'd just bought and Ryan made her dinner which was really good. So it was a good evening. Ryan even kissed me on the cheek for helping her out with the gift and stuff. n____n But she ended up hitting the sack early because she felt sick, along with her brothers. After watching a Beautiful Mind I too hit the sack. The next morning, I woke up to find that everyone besides me and Ryan's mom were sick ._. So, she took care of'em and I tried to help Ryan out too. Later, Ryan's mom left and Me and Derek went around to look for their phone (because they were hooking up the phone line that day). We left Christian in front of Soul Taker which he seemed to really love x_X; That anime does pwn though... Anyway, Ryan was pretty much down the whole day. It was like me on Saturday x_x;; So after they got the phone hooked up, I decided to head out. I left Moonchild with Ryan so she could watch the rest of it (I've totally turned her into a Gackt fangirl :B) and she said she'd call me. The drive home was even more agonizing than the drive there. Traffic was so backed up... ugh. There were points when I'd just sit there in park because it wasn't moving. That's how bad it was. But eventually, I got home... so very tired. I was almost out of gas so I spent the 5 dollars I had left on gas... as I was doing that, I accidently went over the speed bump by the gas pump and put a huge yellow dent right under my bumper u_u;; I'm hoping no one'll notice it. Then I headed home. I finished my report on shakespeare and Tom and me went at it. It wasn't fun.
All in all today wasn't as leet as I'd hoped. Let's pray that tomorrow has a better turn-out.