Originally posted by
marguerite_26 at
PSA: Paypal blackmailing Bookstrand Earlier this week, PayPal told Bookstrand, a major distributor of erotic romance and other erotic content on the Internet, that if certain titles containing "objectionable" material were not pulled from Bookstrand's shelves, Bookstrand's PayPal account would be shut down and the funds within confiscated. The objectionable material? rape, bestiality (include shape-shifters, werewolves, etc.) and incest (including pseudo incest: step-child/step-parent). Even if your never read erotica containing 'objectionable material,' it is still censorship. It is still a financial institution placing a judgement on reading material and determining it to be unsuitable to your to read. It also begs the question: what will they object to next?
You can read more info about it:
PayPal Takes Controversial Stance Against Sex Where the hell did financial institutions get the idea they could introduce their own brand of censorship?! They don't make laws, they make money and last time I checked, writing about rape, bestiality or incest is not illegal The petition to put an end to this:
Stop Internet Censorship!