Feb 13, 2008 23:41
Friend asks:
What's with the Obama hate? Just wondering :)
I respond:
He is condescending.
Talking about reinventing the wheel makes you sound like an ass, not an inspiration. It reeks of populist politics. It's snake oil. It's indulging the pathos without thinking about logic or ethics or reality.
I think that he's ruining what would be a great presidency for America (Hillary). I resent the way he is manipulating people. It's hard for me to think that he's as stupid as he's pretending to be, brilliant politician, but 100% politician.
He's identified a perfect moment in American politics to say exactly what people want to hear in order to elect him... but I don't think he's up for the actual job.
It's fun and exciting to talk about change in the hyperbolic way he does, but when you have to actually go and deal with a real life problem, and there is no way to magically fix it, then what?
The realities of being president don't come with an easy fix button. When someone tries to tell me there is, that's when I start getting worried.
His whole platform is bullshit. It doesn't stand the test of reality. I think he's very dangerous.
On the other hand, I think that Hillary Clinton would be a great president. I think she has the experience and the plans to make progress on a lot of fronts. I think she's serious about gay civil rights, universal health care, responsibly ending the war in Iraq, taking our domestic and foreign policy to much more sensible levels than they have been in the last seven years, changing the ridiculous spending of the current administration (how it's spent, not just how much, but also clearly how much).
I trust she has the experience and skill and ability to lead. I am excited about the possibility that she could bring to America. I trust her, I believe in her, I think what she has to say makes sense. I don't think what Obama is saying makes any sense at all.
Being a senator for three years, when for a lot of that time you're busy plotting your way into the white house anyway, is not enough experience or time served to be qualified for president.
You know what it's like? It's like in high school or in college, there was that one kid that was in student government all four years and finally senior year wanted to be president, he/she worked hard the whole time, was part of it from the beginning, understood how it worked, had put the time and commitment in to see real progress, would have been a great president.
Then there was that other guy who just decided senior year that "nothing is getting done" and if "he/she were doing it, things would be different." Someone who didn't do her/his time and doesn't really have the skills and the experience and the knowledge to do the job. When you don't really know how hard it really is, it's easy for you to be so hyperbolic about change and critical and dramatic and populist. Take that and apply it to the president of the united states of america and that's just plain dangerous.
He just doesn't have what it takes to run the country well from day one. We have the Afghanistan mess, the Iraq mess, soon the Pakistan mess, and who knows what else is coming, domestically we have long term economic behaviors that are so ridiculous that it's a greek comedy.
I don't want someone to tell me he is going to reinvent the wheel, clearly he knows how to do it better than people who've been doing since he was smoking something somewhere...
Whenever someone talks about such radical, sweeping, easy-to-come by change, when it all sounds too good to be true, and exactly what people want to hear, regardless of any sense of reality... that's dangerous.
I don't buy his bullshit and I'm not even sure he does.
Stop being naive, when a politician is feeding you bullshit, call it by its name, don't call it change and inspiration.
There are fundamental disagreements between conservatives and liberals. The differences are real. I don't care what your name is, you can't make that go away. It's just so silly to even argue that you will. Don't be so condescending.
I can see his appeal, but I don't buy it. I am not drinking the cool-aid. It's too bad for America that we're letting this guy take away our opportunity at a great President Hillary Clinton. Hopefully it won't happen.