Today is Jessica's (
cawmrseagull) birthday, and since I can't give her a present made of physical matter (not yet, anyway ;)), I am going to give her a present made of pixels!
That's right, it's a...
Hey look, it's a whole bunch of GQMFs! Zoe looks a little brain dead, though
(This is like my absolute favorite picture of him. If only I could find one without the watermarks...)
Awwww. :D
Okay, I just have to post this one because Chris's face made me laugh. But back to ZQ...
AHHHHH COMPLETE GQMF OVERLOAD BRB DYING. (Fuckdamn, the Cho is SMOKIN' in this picture. UNF x 4815162342)
Damn, gotta love the hi-res pictures.
And of course, a ZQ spam wouldn't be complete without some Spock lovin'.
You doofus, get out of the Command Gold! XD
Obviously the most adorable picture ever taken in this galaxy.
"Tell Uhura that I loff her vageeeeen." LOL, oh Zach. ♥
Anyway, happy birthday Jessica! Have lots of fun with your friends and family...and I will be expecting you at the Super Awesome GQMF Star Trek DVD Partay this weekend! XD
In annoying unrelated news, my internet isn't working for some goddamn reason so I had to do this picspam on my sister's computer. If I don't find out what's wrong with my computer soon Imma throw a brick at the window. Or something.