Tokyo, Seoul, London, New York ... & Bangkok.

Apr 18, 2011 23:59

Title: Tokyo, Seoul, London, New York ... & Bangkok.
Pairing: Eunhyuk / Fei
Genre: Romance
Rating: R
A/N: First time I try to write a R-fic. So sorry if it isn't really good.
Summary: A meeting in Bangkok, an hotel-room.

Alone in this hotel’s bar wasn’t the perfect thing for him, even if he was in Bangkok, paradise of vice. Probably he watched too much American movies but for a Korean man, this city wasn’t perfect for him. He was here only for his work, a meeting of his society. People of Japan, Thailand, Singapore or China should come and he wasn’t very exiting about this.
He was just a salary man, single who didn’t know how to cook. Some women were in his life but none of them were the one. Yes he was a romantic guy who waited the good one. His friends always laughed about him and his stupid idea but for him it was true: her soul mate will come one day.

Someone knocked at the door, and the young man moved up from his bed. When he opened it, a young woman was in front of him, suitcase in her hand. She seemed to be a little surprise but her face returned to a cold expression.

- Who are you? She asked in English with a sarcastic tone.
- The owner of this room, he answered.

She crossed her arms and entered in the room without a word. He didn’t know how to react because this woman was a little scary.

- You are Korean, aren’t you?
- Yeah.
- What’s your name? She sat down on his bed and began to look at her nails.
- Lee Hyuk Jae.
- You’re kind of cute darling. I’m Wang Fei Fei. Where do you work? Seoul?

He didn’t know if he should keep a sort of secret around him. Maybe, for the first time, he could have a one-night stand with a girl without link between them. So he decided to create a new life.

- I’m Korean but I work in Tokyo since one year and you?
- Beijing, but I came from Hainan.
- One question, why did you knock at my door?
- I’m in the room in front of you and I would know my neighbor.

She stood up and walked in Hyuk Jae’s direction. In silence, she touched his face with her skinny fingers, put her hands on his chest and begun to kiss him gently in the neck. He didn’t know how react: a girl was kissing him and he couldn’t touch her. When she began to touch his belt, he reacted for the first time and kissed her back. Her skin smelt so good, it was soft and sweet. He wanted her so much and she began to feel it. Fei broke up the embrace and walked in the bed’s direction. She lay down on the bed and called him with one look. He came closer and began to unbutton his shirt. She could see a perfect chest and continued to kiss him going down and opening his belt. He stopped her and helped her to remove her top and her bra. Some seconds later, they were naked on the bed. No one talked, the silence was here but the tension was maximal.

- Do you really want it? He asked looking in her eyes when he moved on top of her.
- Yeah.

So, he made the first move. He felt her vibrations, her body which was burning. It was so good to make love with a woman without prejudice or denigration. It was only a one-night stand. Her kiss, her body, her skins, everything was perfect. After this night, they never meet again.

- So how was Bangkok? Asked Kyuhyun one of his colleague.
- It was nice, said Hyuk Jae without a look.

They were walking in the corridor of the 34th floor and he didn’t see the girl who was charging into him. He helped her and the contact of her skins was a little strange.

- Thanks you.

When she looked up, he saw a well-know face, except this time she wore glasses and a ponytail. Kyuhyun helped her too and introduce the young woman to his friend.

- She is Wang Fei Fei and she works below us, on the 32nd floor.
- Oh I see, answered the young man.
- And he is Lee Hyuk Jae, colleague and friend.
- I see, said Fei with the same tone as Hyuk Jae. Nice to meet you sunbae.

One person suddenly called Kyuhyun and he left the two alone.

- Tokyo? Said Fei with an ironical tone.
- Shanghai? He whispered in her ear.
- Okay, stop this, I’m not a girl like this, I don’t sleep with a man when I’m in another country.
- The same for me, but it wasn’t a mistake.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah, hum, can we take a coffee whatever you want?
- Oh yes! She said with a bright smile.

type: english, pairing: eunhyuk/fei, kr: super junior, kr: miss a

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