Title: Naïve [cherry blossom mini-series] [part two] Pairing: Qmi (Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi) Rating: PG Summary: AU. "What do you need to learn to stop being naive, Kyuhyun?" cherry blossom series masterlist ( Read more... )
Sorry I just got here. Stupid connection is stupid. Anyway, took you long enough -,- UGH THIS JUST MADE ME CRAVE MOAAARRR GIVE MEEEEE Gah why do you write such pretty pieces ;_______; Me likey this, it's starting to develop a plot of some sort (?)
You may be mature and intelligent, but you are still naïve,
hahaha, it's called exams + a whole bunch of ideas that produce half fics XD and cravings can be bad~~ i... didn't think this was good at all ._. but okay XD yes, it's developing into a plot :3 well, Kyu is the youngest..... XD glad you liked it :3
Why do I picture Zhou Mi walks with his left behind his back, and right arm stroking his white long beard? XD
No, I'm kidding. Hmm he somehow fits the 'wise' image well though. And I like the "You never stop learning and you never truly know more than another.”
This is interesting, I've never read historical(?) SJ fics before.
LOL BUT MI ISN'T OLD XDDDDDDD that's 'cause Mi just generally has the air of an intelligent tutor/scholar. Or maybe that's just me... >.> "You never stop learning and you never truly know more than another." IT'S TRUE just like Gandhi's quote "Live as if you'll die tomorrow, learn as if you'll live forever" :3 and I've never tried writing one before ._. it's kinda weird.. THANKS FOR READING *huggles*
intelligent Mi <3 LOL if i lived like I'd die tomorrow, I'd never do homework XDDDDDDD Chinese history is amazing. One day I will read and learn a whole lot about Chinese history. historical fics are a bitch to write you have to consider the mannerisms and clothing and the social system/status/ranking thingys and then you have to think about how they fought wars, remember technology stuff and yadayadayada EVERYTHING but for me, this time, the main part was trying to get my plot line through :/
Comments 9
You may be mature and intelligent, but you are still naïve,
Idk why but this made me lol hard :))
and cravings can be bad~~
i... didn't think this was good at all ._. but okay XD
yes, it's developing into a plot :3
well, Kyu is the youngest..... XD
glad you liked it :3
No, I'm kidding. Hmm he somehow fits the 'wise' image well though. And I like the "You never stop learning and you never truly know more than another.”
This is interesting, I've never read historical(?) SJ fics before.
that's 'cause Mi just generally has the air of an intelligent tutor/scholar.
Or maybe that's just me... >.>
"You never stop learning and you never truly know more than another."
just like Gandhi's quote "Live as if you'll die tomorrow, learn as if you'll live forever" :3
and I've never tried writing one before ._. it's kinda weird..
True that... but if I live as if I'll die tomorrow I probably wouldn't be home writing fanfics... I'll try bungee jumping something XD
I love Chinese history, the battle strategies are interesting lol yeah but I can imagine historical fics being harder to write
LOL if i lived like I'd die tomorrow, I'd never do homework XDDDDDDD
Chinese history is amazing. One day I will read and learn a whole lot about Chinese history.
historical fics are a bitch to write
you have to consider the mannerisms and clothing and the social system/status/ranking thingys and then you have to think about how they fought wars, remember technology stuff and yadayadayada EVERYTHING
but for me, this time, the main part was trying to get my plot line through :/
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