Mar 08, 2011 16:30
One of my dearest dongsaengs, Yana, got her LJ account/ journal deleted...her username is yanaasaurus....
I checked on her twitter account and i saw that her account's email address and password were changed....
Whoever did those mean things should have some common sense that what they were doing is SOOOO not appropriate..
What if someone else did that to their own accounts, even though it is not LJ, of course they would get pissed of right???
So why do that to others??? The owner is not even doing anything to you....
You have 30 days to bring back that journal...
If u don't do it, i might not do anything to you but God knows what He'll do to you...
Suck it up and grow up!!!!! Bring back that account....
Just mind your own business and let her do what she wants!!!!
I know this is not my business and that i shouldn't get involved, but it is not ur business to mess with her LJ account too...