Jul 16, 2007 18:47
Just wanted to take a moment to remark on what an absurdly awesome party that was. Thank you to everyone who came out and enjoyed themselves on Friday. Much as I was bouncing around from place to place all night long into the early hours of the morning it was so incredibly good to see everyone who came. Moreover it was nice to see everyone talking and meeting new people or reconnecting to people they may not have seen in awhile. I think its probably one of the most solid parties we've ever had the privilege of throwing here, and certainly the largest.
Though I normally opt to pass out around midnight-ish it was worth staying up (until I think around 6 am) to see things through to their conclusion. Though I may not have been able to sit down and talk to many of you as much as I may have wanted, part of the enjoyment just comes from the spectacle as a whole. It was really really fun and I enjoyed it all.
Though gifts were by no means called it was great to receive them. Part of the mystique and spectacle of the evening was certainly provided by the Gargantuan bottle of Grey Goose that still resides (just barely) within our freezer. The State constitution of Iowa will surely serve me well in any legal entanglements I may find myself in. A solid bottle of mead and bag of Krunchers (tm) will keep me company along with the tiny mecha that has a spot reserved on the top of my CRT monitor. And an awesome band named Justice will continue to refuse to come off of the cd they're currently on until I manage to find a work around for an album named after a crucifix (which magically prevents them from taking up residence in my hard drive). Lastly, I'll have everything I need to start a new Goth/industrial night in the Midwest once I manage to con/persuade my employer into thinking it'll allow him to make tons of money at one of the many clubs they currently own.
If I happen to not see you again before I leave, just be sure to catch me sometime when I come back to visit. And if your going to be around Otakon weekend, expect to see me at the show proudly wearing my new rocks and electric T-shirt (if I can get the damn thing to work properly).
Best wishes to all...