Pb... Lead
You scored 57 Mass, 34 Electronegativity, 38 Metal, and 10 Radioactivity!
You are a byproduct of radioactive decay... I don't know how to interpret that. Anyway, you're absolutely fixed in how you approach life, but it is really all okay to you. You're like that guy who flew too close to the sun, achieved omniscience for a couple seconds, and then forgot everything while returning to Earth only to spend the rest of his days as a blind man with a distant alien wisdom and sadness in his vacant eyes. You probably really love kids, but know to stay away from them because some aspect of your otherworldly nature makes them sick... especially when they eat you in the form of paint chips.
http://www.okcupid.com/tests/take?testid=10462132396003208006 Hatmaster is all evil, I'm not doing what I should be. Lol