Let's keep pushing this off.

Dec 19, 2007 11:59

    So every time I decide to not do something productive, I will write something retarded here. So I guess I can start now. Chui is a fucking demon at tetris. Aside from the fact that I'd see her with her graphing in AP bio just clicking away, her score online is ridiculous. I dunno, I'm pretty bad at it, I just use it for my ADD moments, then get mad because it's endless and I can't win. Also, I've only left this thing along for 1 week? What?! Time has passed by so damn slowly. Time sucks. alskd;alke;lasdads.wq.ekl;asdklasdads. Ugh, I will not go into some sort of discussion on physics and shit because I'm really not in the mood to talk about physics. See, theoretical is okay. It's even enjoyable. But since I had a final just now and I need to study and feel pressed for time, I will not talk about this.

I feel so guilty about Christmas gifts. I have none...for anyone. I mean, I know what I want to get for people, but I don't have it, and my parents are not the type of people to go out and buy it for me so I can give it for my friends. Rather, they would buy it for me, but then they'd NOT deliver it to the dorms...which is stupid. Even though people are like, oh it's okay, don't worry about it, I feel bad because it's just not the same to get gifts after Christmas. Blaaraggaga.

end 12:07

start 12:17
    I need to cut my nails. But there is no time for that now. I'm too busy...or something. Courtnie my roommate, is being way too loud. I thought she needed to study? What's going on here?
end 12:18

start 12:24
    Why why why are people so loud? I mean, you can also ask, why am I not in my room by myself. The answer to that would be that it's really messy, never the right temperature, ready to make me go to sleep, and not a place of zen and concentration. So sure, it could be my fault, but it's not because I said so. I am trying to not spam up bobangeba's mailbox because she's subscribed to my whatever thing. I don't know. I don't use LJ that much, this is my bitching space.

I wore pajamas to my final. They had reindeer on them, so I was surprisingly festive. When I say festive (because I read in my head everything I write), it reminds me of feste, which reminds me of this girl who is actually a guy... yeah.
end 12:26

start 12:37
    I've memorized a good part of this lecture, but haven't absorbed it per se. I guess it might help if I speak into my hand during the exam and suddenly realize that it means something. Leak channels have K+ going in and out, Na+ also goes in and out, but to a lesser extent. Oi, it sounds like Wallman wants to burp in the middle of his sentence.
    My shoulders hurt sooo much. This is due to me sleeping in a funny position among piles (really, piles) of blankets and with my button up shirt thingy on which I knew I should have taken off.
I don't understand why this biology book doesn't use the term "refractory period". Did something change while I was in high school? I mean, how is that term misleading at all? I have no idea.

And Wallman goes "CHAAARGEGe, right you are"
    The things I will remember. -_-
end 12:41

start 12:56
This lecture is so dense. unbelievably dense.
I think I'd same lifetimes if I didn't get distracted so easily.
end 12:57

start 1:35
I just want to say that I hate this whole finals thing. This nerves lecture sucks major pelotas because it's so freiken long and has so much information in it. My god, 27 minutes of more shit to go through.
Oh wow, I feel incredibly bad, I just heard some stuff that I didn't want to hear. I hate it when other people have to take responsibility for me--- I didn't know, damn it! a;kdsa;lksd;alskd;alke;aldksal;d. Indescribable.
end 1:40

start 2:14
Wow, I had no idea that asian girls dating white guys was "looked down upon". Wtf, this is real shit. Okay, not true that asian girls date white guys because they're attracted to symbols of power since white guys control everything. /roll eyes. maybe for like, cougars or something. Whatever. I have also come to the conclusion that the last 20 minutes of this lecture is shit. It's about NOTHING. NOTHING.
end 2:16

start 2:18
I love this blog entry. I'm not angry, but this is pretty much along the same lines of what my extended opinion would be:
Personally, I don't get the hype nor the practical application of the White Fetish (because, let's face it, that's what it is). Here at least, the odds of finding a white guy far outnumber the odds of finding an Asian, meaning the latter is more difficult to snare, i.e. more valuable. Also, the white boys these fetishists end up dating are fugly. I'm sorry, there's no other way to put it. They're fugly. So you end up with catty Asian girls with white fetishes and fugly white boys with Asian fetishes and you'd think everyone would be happy when we're all really wondering what these people are trying to prove.

And more importantly, since the why-do-Asian-girls-like-Caucasians-so-much question has been beaten and blogged to death a thousand times over, why do Asian women NOT like Asian men? Is it the height issue? The emasculation of Asian males in the media? The smaller penis? So many articles have been written on the growing resentment within the Asian-American male community on the loss of their women that it makes me wonder.

In any case, to all those bitter Asian guys out there who are ticked off: there are still Asian girls out there who lust after their own men. We still want you. There are plenty of us who would rather not deliberately seek out non-Asian men for whatever social or self-esteem related purposes. I'd do just about anything for a nice ABC who would stay still for more than 6 weeks, damn it.

But I digress. The point is, I don't understand white fetishists, particularly when they're Asian women.
source: http://witandspit.blogspot.com/2006/06/once-you-go-asian.html
end 2:19

start 2:23
Wasted time talking to Melissa, Lana, Courtnie. I love this woman's blog. But I will refrain from reading it.
end 2:23

start 2:30
Girls discussing pregnant women who got really fat. I am waiting for a relevant part of the lecture to come up.
end 2:30

start 2:31
I hate hate hate hate hate my classes. I just realized. I can't go to ice skating OR my homecoming this Friday because I have my paper due that day. WHAT THE BLOODY FUCK AM I GOING TO FUCKING DO?! I would really love some ritalin to help me speed through that paper. I swear, if I had access to those drugs legally, I'd probably be amazing. Amazing, I tell you.
end 2:32

start 3:23
I think I fell asleep sometime in the middle of that.
end 3:23

start 6:36
Dmitriy came over.
end 6:36

start 7:01
moving to a different part of the room. It is very possible that this move will result in less procrastination.
end 7:01

start 8:16
end 8:16



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