sometimes the things you are afraid of are the most worthwhile

Jan 03, 2005 17:14

asdfghjklasdfghkjklrqetyqpioytnbqhgrpqotoq I MISS DANCEireutmghalgjhfgioyewetuhnbnbvznbvuioeytiopjhgadjlghalgh;klcmns;

ohkay well now thats off my chest...ermm got really exciting new at cheerleading today mrs. colvin(alex's mom) is gonna make up a routine for us for a home game on the18th and she's a reallly good dancer though were not aloud to use the d*word cough*dance*cough she danced with shades valley through highschool and sanford in college and her and mrs. tagert are gonna be our sponsor next year so we might go to competitions and actualyl be pretty good! lol!

practice tommorow at kingwood GOODLUCK KIDS!.....we got a new gym floor its pretty we shold change out colors to black,blue,and white now and paint the gym that way everything owuld match that would be cute! wednesday excited to see everyone work is no fun though...&I LOVE TO SLEEP...ohkay i<3you ((shelly))
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