(no subject)

Oct 26, 2004 06:18

Woke up early, took a shower, went about making breakfast. Felt like I might feel well rested when I finially woke up. The thing of note though is this kind of calm. Something in me making me move slowly and precisely. Making those choices I have to make everyday, which under normal circumstances wouldn't really matter if I didn't apply a certain mindfullness to them but in my case, it can mean the difference between a totally bullshit day of sleeping because I'm no good for anything else and being able to function at a near optimal level. So, the mindfullness, it takes commitment and focus, and I haven't felt that, or felt able to move that way in weeks. A certain grace and strength in the choices. It may come down to a seemingly unimportant decision like 'the pie is poison to you, do not even have a bite' , but that will make a difference in my day that is monumental. I don't know why I haven't really been on top of it. But there it is. A renewed sense of dedication to being healthy.

and the reason is derek, the van, moving my things into the space to work, his saying 'it seems like a priority' and that....vote...or...clarity in perceiving the priority, the backing up of that and the offer of help to make that happen. anyhow, thank you. it's huge what saying that meant.

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