CRAP!! Haven't posted in half a year?

Jul 10, 2010 23:36

Hmm... Well... I guess I've just been too busy using Facebook. Do miss longer form posts though.

Saw Predators (hence the Topher Grace avatar) tonight. Had high hopes, didn't quite meet them, but I don't think I was overly disappointed. Could have done more with the material and talent. Let's hold out hope for a sweet sequel.

Speaking of which, Ridley Scott is looking good for an Alien prequel or two, which is killer.

The Topher Marohl Show!! will probably be back again soon, though the ChimpCasts and Geek's Guide stuff kinda sputtered.  Looking to do something called Spoiled Movie Reviews - Basically just reviewing older movies that everyone has seen, but that might warrant a second look.

NBC went pretty well, and (despite my better judgment) I'm gaming head once again this year, which will make it the third year in a row, I think.  Going to be at Geek.Kon, too - Running the first Empire of the Locust demo in forever on Friday of con and volunteering all weekend (meet me in the gaming room or, better yet, swing by the NoBrand room party and check out our new banner.

Last year STEAK didn't really happen the way it was supposed to.  It got moved and moved and moved and I didn't get to go, and there was NO MAGIC:THE BRUNCHERING AT ALL.

Which is just plain tragic, now that I think of it.

It eventually did happen.  In February.  And despite all this it had the highest attendance to date.   I'm hoping to top that this year.  STEAK  2010 Gaming Weekend is October 16th and 17th of this year in UWEC Davies Center.  Its free.  I don't know of any reason why you shouldn't go (other than parking - I'm warning you now, parking will SUCK).  I'm going, and I have to travel 100 miles to get there.  You should come too.  (I may have extra space in my hotel room, ask me about it).

Other than that, nothing dorky or super exciting is going down, though mead is fermenting in my basement.  Nic's strike got called off, the house hasn't caught fire, the dog hasn't run away, everybody's car is working, and only a few people are sick.

My dad's dog did die, which sucks.  But hey...

Sometimes, you lift the bottle to your lips to toast to life, sometimes you quietly  take a pull because, even with all this weirdness, your still alive.  You know?
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