So tonight out of the f'n blue my dad, sis, and myself break out into this triple threat mathup (argument, no physical) that would make Vince McMahn jealous. Mind you I was coming down off the buzz of a bottle of Merlot but oddly I was able to think clearly and only cursed a few times. And even though I changed my pants to show them I was able to stop myself from showing them. This may mean that my alcohol tolerance is increasing. And the dog got loose. Im backing up my media files so I can defragment my harddrive for the first time in the three years I've had it. We concluded that there is no "I" in team. Problem is that we will have this same conversation in about a year. Found out the airing date of my buddy Mel's appearance on the series "Secret Lives of Women" on the WE network. It'll be Aug. 1. I'm tired so I'm gonna post a comment on
nesgrrl81's new article later. I've already read it so it won't be tough. Night.