Datalinks: 011.0406.002 - My letter...

Apr 04, 2005 23:30

Now do pardon my spelling, grammar, and etc. but it does serve its purpose

To: The Advisory Council and whom it may concern

My name is Josh Alvarez Mapp and I am informing you of my intent on running for Master Councilor of Lodi Chapter. Before I proceed further into that, I’ll let you know of my career thus far in DeMolay. I have been a member in good standing with this chapter for 6 years. I was a Master Councilor for this very chapter during the summer term of 2002 and was awarded the Past Master Councilor Meritorious Service Award for my duties as such. I than served as Junior Councilor of the old Valley Division and than led the just created Capitol Division as Master Councilor and now stand as a Past Master Councilor of Capitol Division. I have completed all my L.C.C.’s and have completed my R.D. I have attended D.L.C. 4 times. Beyond that I have performed various parts in both degrees of our order, on installing teams, and I have sat in every speaking position the order provides in our chapter.
Now why do I plan on running for Master Councilor again? I see a promise for a chapter than can continue its rise to glory. And thus with my experience and knowledge I can take Lodi Chapter there. What can I do for the Chapter? Previously as chapter Master Councilor I had Lodi Chapter visit every chapter within the old Valley Division. As nice as that thought is I will change that tune by instead wanting to visit one chapter in all 3 divisions which will help meet the criteria for the new Chapter of Excellence award held by the Jurisdiction. I will continue the common events held regularly such as car washes, our annual Indepen-dance, prospect dances, prospect parties, and the similar. Along with that I intend on giving the Magic: The Gathering tournament a try again. Though in the past it wasn’t completely successful, it was far from completely unsuccessful and now with my knowledge from division I plan to try again with the experience of the past held tournaments fused with my knowledge from division to create what I hope to be a complete success. And beyond this, I will also work on bringing the Squire Program to NCDA. A program for those between the ages of 9-11 to join who later wish to join DeMolay. If elected, I plan on doing my best to bring this to our Jurisdiction, and if successful putting Lodi at the forefront of all of this.
Still however my ambition for this chapter is not done yet. When I served as Master Councilor for this chapter I helped Valley Division re-establish connection on a chapter level. Later as Master Councilor for Capitol Division I helped unify the division as a whole with the help of Lodi Chapter. Now I see the call to unification again and I will try where many have talked and/or failed. I plan to create something that I like to call the 209 Council. As suggested by its title, it involves those who reside in the area code 209. I plan to visit and try my best in order to get all bethels, assemblies, and chapters in the area code 209 to come together in order to help one another, establish contact with each other on a friendly basis, and to hold events together as a whole. If elected as Master Councilor I will see to this being instated and if done correctly, it can be the start of a new beginning for the Masonic orders working as one. If successful, all orders in the area code 209 should become stronger, wiser, and more confident that there is a future of the orders as well as the hope of a closer family within the orders.
These are my ideas. If elected this is my intent for the term. No jokes, no lies. I love business and business is good and thus is what I plan for this chapter to conduct, if elected.

Josh Alvarez Mapp
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