Aug 15, 2006 21:23
One weekend or ren faire to go. Janna will be back and I very glad about that. I plan to chill a lot and avoid the sun, seeing as I got a smidge bit tan (for me anyways) last weekend as a result of a sunburn. Everyone knows I hate sunburns. All of my friends will be as wrinkley as leather bags when they are old, but I will be nice and porcelin. HA! Anyways, I re-taught my grandma the difference between ripping and burning CD's AGAIN and this time I wrote instructions for both down on paper for her. Exactly one month until Freshman move-in day and I couldn't be more glad. I will miss people, and Seattle. But at least I will only be a little more than an hour away so I can easily visit. I have to remind Janna to bring Cranberry juice and Captain M this weekend because I plan on having a lot of fun. Hopefully my tent won't get rained on before I head back on Thursday evening. I am going to get very "scooted" this weekend =)