Oct 25, 2006 15:31
I dare you all to beat my stupid thing i've been getting excited about.
I've been reading the Perth Airport masterplan and i like where they are going except i think they need to:
1. try and get planes going from africa to Australia to stop off in Perth. If its necessary we should pay airlines such as South African Airlines, Qantas, Emerates and Air Maritious to stop over in Perth thus short stay tourism would sky rocket and the state would more than make the money back due to the GST it gets on people doing and buying touristy things.
2. build a shopping centre at the airport. As far as im aware there isnt a major shopping centre around the Canning Vale area. We have 2105 Hectares of land sitting there for fucks sake. Time to do something with it other than building warehouses for Woolworths and Coles Myer.
3. combine the domestic and international terminals NOW and not in 15 years and finally hurry up and add length to the main runway now so we can take A360s from crazy far away destinations.
4. Public Transport - The plan says that it would be a good idea to build a train line to the domestic terminal. It also says it plans to move the operations of the domestic terminal to a new building at the international terminal. Am i the only one whos seeing something is wrong with this? I say they should expand the Armadale line then we can say to tourists, "oh so you've got a few hours? why not go and waste all your money at the Casino? its only a few stops on the train away."