Nov 11, 2005 18:05
for some reason I feel really really happy and accomplished after spending a good ammount of my time cooking. especially new things that I havent cooked before. I mean. I'd feel accomplished after making a lasagna. but never the same kind of accomplished asI had the first time I cooked one alone. I cant wait to go to college. There're so many things I want to try to cook. yeah. cooking makes me happy.. I need my own kitchen someday.. mmhmm..
The more I look at my icon. the more I absolutely freaking adore it. It's so... not me. but so rediculously me at the same time. I have no idea what I'm talking about.
one major perk about my in-between cellphone. is that it doesnt die after talking off a charger for half an hour. that's pretty awesome.
I need to find out where to buy mango powder. and. mangos.. mm. next time mon pere goes out shopping I'm completely going along for a bit or sending him in search of not too ripe but ripe enough mangos. as. they're so freaking wonderful. and they had some at the desi corner today. but they weren't ripe enough.. I want to go back to whole foods.. probably overpriced but delicious 99 cent mangos. and nice people giving out free samples of warm apple cider. we really need to buy some of that.
my bedroom's getting that freezing thing that it gets every fall/winter. damn being the second coldest room in the house. after the downstairs bathroom. that's just freaking freezing. we keep drinks in there it's so cold. I would invest in a spaceheater. but. well. knowing me. I'd forget to turn it off and burn my house down.
alright. that's it. gotta go help with dinner stuff.