(no subject)

Aug 18, 2005 21:43

I'm really rediculously... I'm not exactly sure right now.. but it's not technichally good. and I'm hopeing that what I want to happen to take care of it will happen. but at this point. I dont freaking know. and that upsets me.

I started reading a book today. it wont take me long. I'll probably finish tomorow. I just got it from my parents one year. and I never read it. so I decided. today's a good day to start it. it's called you dont know me. I kind of like the style it's done in. kind of reminds me of my head. but that's ok.

otherly, I hung out with Anne (K) today. and that was massively good. we walked around looking for various animals and then went back to her house and had diet lemonade and looked at webcomics and happy things on the computer. then we were going to walk to my house so that I could show her my comics. but there ended up being an accident that had just happened and there was a rather belligerent man in a car screaming that he was going to kill the guys that hit his sister's car. even though they were in the worse position. as they most probably accidentally rear ended her car. and therefore will have to pay for the damages. because everyone knows the rear end rule. I really dont know if they do or not. I'm just in a slightly bad mood... and I dont care right now.

I do however like this song. discovered it.. a year or so ago. it made me happy. so I finally got the CD. anyway. back in time. to this morning. I woke up. and did what i thought was my p-revied homework. but no. it wasnt. because my class got us out of handing in the essay today. because half of them didnt do it and "forgot" that it had ever been assigned. as well as convincing roxy that she had never assigned it. where as I was worried that it had been due on tuesday. class was so utterly dull today. Tom said a few words to me by the end of class. that was conversation. and it was enjoyable.I didnt even have much creative fodder to doodle. I just sat there writing lyrics and notes to myself in the booklets. this is probably getting boring. but wait there's more!

yesterday. I was at Sam-ie's as my previous entry so eloquently states. and Anne was not reeally naked on the bed. but as close as she would let us get. which was fully clothed. and we had very good times and I was very happy then Sam-ie had to go to work. so Anne and I walked back to her house and I saw Kent for the first time in a very long while. I really like hanging out with him in person. I really like hanging out with most people in person. but moreso him. just because it's always better to hang out in person when with Kent. he made us shells and cheese and it was very good. it made me want to make macaroni and cheese today. but I couldnt. because dad took pity on me after p-review and got me chinese takeout.but anyway. we went upstairs and I saw Anne's YAK posters. I think the one on her wall is my favourite. andthen we went into Kent's room and I got to hear some of his newer stuff which made me really happy and I have to remember the names of some of the groups/artists he played because I liked it. we all had good conversations and that made me really happy too. then at 10 Sam-ie was getting off of work and we went to walk to her house. only. on the say there. I happened to recieve a rather angry phonecall from my parents. and. as we arrived at her house.. I had to beg for a ride home. damn you p-review for being in the morning. and so I went home and got a talking to about school next year and the thing is that it would do a lot more if it wasnt them. If they would just stop and think. hmm maybe she's made a concious decision to actually freaking work this year. maybe if I stop yelling at her and think for a second I wont have to strain my vocal chords. I cant believe I just wrote that. but but I'm going to post it anyway. because I'm in that kind of mood tonight.

so of course. It's 10. and I have another two hours to wait up until I can even fathom going to sleep because I'll be waiting for something that I dont even know for a fact will come. I can just hope. and I do. every night. I could watch what's eating gilbert gape to pass the time but I'm "not allowed in mom's room" and that movie makes me slightly sad. so it comes down to Aladdin, Sholay, Benny & Joon, Swades, or High Fidelity. no idea. probably Benny & Joon tonight. and. I'm out.

movies, anne k, anne w, sam-ie, car accidents, time, sat class

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