Sep 28, 2004 17:10
gravity wins, and the water in the clouds eventually falls. it's a downpour. it's been raining since sometime last night, the parking lot at work was flooded, and the water was still pouring from heaven. but when i was done with my shift, that didn't keep me from walking around to the drive up pharmacy window. i was blushing behind the rain on my face... and behind the clouds, the sky was doing it's best impersonation of your eyes. i stuttered through the first half of my memorized sentence at least three times, so i forced myself to start over, not unlike elmer fudd. i caught the grin of another pharmacist looking over your shoulder. she obviously thought the scene was adorable, and part of her wished wonderful things like that still happened to her. nervously, words reached your ear about how the cool kids at cvs spend lots of time together outside of work. "You're officially invited to your first Cool Kid Night Out." Yours eyes actually got wider. the blue ink from my pen could hardly scribble out my phone number fast enough as a car started pulling up next to me. my time was limited, and here i am, writing down the wrong area code. think, brian, think. finally, i get it right, even if the rain is doing all sorts of fun things to the ink. i hope you can read it. i hope you call, because this car behind me is getting impatient, maybe the prescription they are picking up will fix that. i must be going... off to dance in this perfect rain. every. single. drop.