Oct 29, 2007 23:45
so, it seems I got drunk several days ago, woke up, and it was winter. seriously, why is it so goddamn cold all of a sudden? By sheer luck, I packed my hoodie thursday when I left, and fuck me if I didn't need it hardcore come saturday night.
also, somebody said I turn 21 this wednesday...I checked, and omg they're right! and, well...I couldn't care less. I'm not really excited, it's not really any sort of turning point or important event. All it means is that I can legally buy alcohol...oh lulz already doing that. It's just kind of like
"oh yeah, I'm older...that's cool, I guess. oooh my knee hurts." I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm afraid of growing older...just extremely concerned. The whole process embodies everything I fear..."work harder, be responsible, have less fun, see fewer friends"...it's all very childish and silly, and I'm not superstitious...at most, I'm just a little stitious...but it's a very unsettling mindset for me. and boring, as I'm sure you'll agree once you've read this.
it's getting late, and once again I've put off posting the most important details...more to come later, I suppose